Friday, September 20 2024 11:45 AEST

January 2019

Watch Short Treks Now!

As we get set to watch episode two of Star Trek: Discovery tonight, I wanted to take a second to help a few folks out that are having trouble catching Short Treks.

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Trekzone Membership

It’s a platform for creative types to get paid doing what they love, some seek it out to become self-funded YouTubers, others – including Trekzone – use it as a way of offsetting the ever increasing cost of producing content that stands out from the crowd.

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What If?

Bear with me on this Sunday afternoon… as I ponder a question that’s been swirling in my brain since news broke about director SJ Clarkson’s availability to direct the Games of Thrones prequel.

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Updating The Holy Core

UK film maker Gary O’Brien is back today to give us an update of his progress on his Star Trek fan film – The Holy Core, which is sounding very exciting…

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Membership Is Back

I’ve been planning the 2019 season of A Trekzone Conversation for a few days now, and one thing has become clear… I’m planning well enough in advance to be able

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Science Never Sleeps

Three days into the new year and it’s already time for a new Trekzone Conversation! I’m getting the jump on 2018’s season premiere (which started on January 21) by almost

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2019 on

The new year is going to be another blockbuster for Australia’s first Star Trek fan site, following the cracking pace set in 2018. Firstly, lets take a look back at

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