Monday, February 24 2025 14:18 AEST

The Asteroid Drill We All Failed And Look! It’s A Bird! It’s A Plane… It’s The Eta Aquariids!

We got tested on asteroid survival and the meteors are failing from the sky... it's week 19 2019 for Talkin' Science.

It’s time for Talkin’ Science!

We All Failed An “Asteroid Impact” Drill

Last week, space agencies around the world decided to test our readiness for an asteroid impact, so they announced that one was headed our way in eight years time. NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies was hosting a conference dedicated to asteroids and planetary defensive capabilities. While the simulation gave the asteroid a 1% chance of hitting Earth, the thought is still pretty terrifying.

Once scientists have the orbit of the object, they’ll know roughly where the asteroid will make contact with the atmosphere within a few hundred square kilometers.

Eta Aquariid Meteor Shower

Every 75 years, Halley’s comet passes by Earth and sheds some of it’s icy tail which forms the basis of the Eta Aquariid shower, given it’s name by it’s apparent appearance from the constellation Aquarius. The southern hemisphere has the best vantage point in the early hours of the morning this week. Youdon’t need to head out to a dark location – suburban ovals are just as good.

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