Friday, March 14 2025 09:42 AEST

A Big Week For NASA As An Exo Planet Gives Up Some Secrets

Brad's Talkin' Science in the twenty eighth week of 2019!

Episode #171
Brad’s Talkin’ Science. Our headlines today – NASA donates an official copy of the telemetry and transmissions for the entire Apollo 11 flight to the CSIRO, who’ve donated the rare material to the National Film and Sound Archive for safe keeping.

NASA wasn’t always so frugal with their recordings though, back in 1976 they sold a copy of Apollo 11 recordings to an intern for $218 – now he’s set to profit a cool million or two at auction!

The Orion capsule, meanwhile, has successfully passed a crucial test with the abort stage deploying in perfect fashion. This critical step goes towards the safety of crew at launch.

And finally today, a super-Earth (a mid size planet, believe it or not!) has given up some of it’s atmospheric secrets – with Spitzer and Hubble scientists studying the planet far beyond our solar system!

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