Friday, March 14 2025 07:01 AEST

Happy Birthday Trekzone!

16 years ago, I started a website for a year 10 IT project. 6 years ago, I started podcasting.

Episode #172
16 years ago, I started a website for a year 10 IT project. 6 years ago, I started podcasting. Both times, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I’ve enjoyed every single minute of it!

Join me in looking back, and forward!

Once again, a huge thanks to my Mum, sister Keeley and best mate Liam for their support in making Trekzone a reality. To all of you loyal viewers – thank you for keeping me inspired to make more and a big thanks to the members of Trekzone who are helping to make things even better in the future! To all the guests who give their time so generously and freely, it’s a thrill to chat to each of you. Here’s to the future.

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New content is being added all the time to Trekzone’s YouTube channel – Talkin’ Science with Doctor Brad Tucker on Tuesdays, Trekzone Live on Thursdays following Vegas or Bust and A Trekzone Conversation on Saturdays. Don’t miss a moment, subscribe and ring the bell to be the first to know about new eps!

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