This is That Time When The 8-Bit Guy beamed in for a chat about his journey to full time YouTubing…
Catch this interview in full now.
This is That Time When The 8-Bit Guy beamed in for a chat about his journey to full time YouTubing…
Catch this interview in full now.
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The Varda Space Industries W-2 capsule safely returned to Earth at Southern Launch’s Koonibba Test Range at the end of February. I spoke with Varda
An accomplished international photographer, Charles Brooks, has captured dazzling new images of one component of the main ring at the Australian Synchrotron and provided an inside view of the electron’s path when it is used. A synchrotron engineer converted radio waves produced in the vacuum chamber into sound files.
The Varda Space Industries W-2 capsule safely returned to Earth at Southern Launch’s Koonibba Test Range completing a dual-purpose mission with payloads from the United States Air Force and NASA at the end of February.
New Marsquake data could help solve one of the solar system’s biggest mysteries, Saturn’s rings might be deceptively old – based on what we thought
New analysis of marsquakes, which are similar to earthquakes, could offer clues into how Mars has evolved over billions of years, according to new research from The Australian National University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Distant neutron stars typically spin a full 360 degrees within seconds. However, a new type of ‘radio transient object’ – so called as they are detected in radio waves – has emerged that rotate much more slowly. In the time it takes this cosmic lighthouse to rotate you could watch Interstellar twice before it completes a full spin.
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