Friday, March 14 2025 17:50 AEST

Supanova Cops To “Issue With One Exhibitor” At Sydney Con; Event Director Stands Down

Australia's leading pop culture expo has admitted it failed to adequately deal with "one specific exhibitor" at their recent Sydney convention.

While Supanova says they removed offensive materials before opening on Saturday, and removing the exhibitor completely on Sunday – numerous attendees claim to have filed complaints that fell on deaf ears.

The exhibitor was seen to be displaying anti LGBTQ+ and pro-Nazi material while harassing passers by with their racist and homophobic beliefs.

In a statement released early this morning Daniel Zachariou announced he would step down from his role of Event Director, to be replaced by Scott Liston from Armageddon Expos. An Ethics Officer will also be employed to sit on an advisory board to work with staff, patrons, exhibitors and sponsors.

A review continues into the practices of Supanova as they progress towards their twentieth anniversary next year.

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