Monday, February 24 2025 21:02 AEST

We Began Our Star Trek Fan Film Journey Over Six Years Ago…

A long time ago we began blogging and producing podcasts about Star Trek fan films. An even longer time ago, we started blogging and producing podcasts about Star Trek...

Tommy Kraft was our very first Star Trek fan film making guest, our podcast with him was released on March 6 2016. Then came Alec Peters infamous interview where he stumbled and fumbled his way through questions of accountability. Before we focused on the true geniuses of the niche – in Aaron Vanderkley, Christian Gossett, and Gary O’Brien, all in that same year.

We went on to meet Jim Bray, Vance Major, Ray Tesi and Gary Davis across 2017 and 2018, before being given the exclusive word on The Holy Core and shining a spotlight on Potemkin Pictures. Not just content to talk the talk, we also walked the walk with Once More With Feeling – our own Star Trek fan film – released in July 2018.

In July 2019, while on our way to being invited press at STLV, we premiered Line of Duty from Aaron – after spending much of that year chatting with Gary O’Brien, Gary Davis, Sam Cockings and Ray Tesi. We also caught up with Anson Mount, Tony Todd and Joseph Mallozzi that year too.

2020 saw us continue to focus on Star Trek Fan Films Done Right, with Starship Intrepid, Dreadnought Dominion all joining the science-heavy focus of that year.

In 2021 we pushed hard from the beginning of the year until the end, with 350 podcasts produced, we added in Trekzone Plays and flashbacks to past episodes – plus also covered every piece of Star Trek fan film news we could. We reflected on the legacy of Star Trek Continues, caught up with Joshua Irwin and even learnt about an actual adventure Captain Garth would be undertaking in Canada.

This year, last week in fact, we produced a massive two and a half hour live stream from the Griffith Film School with a fifteen person crew, honing the best traditions of any seasoned awards show in a flawless production that’s been universally praised, and continues in our top 10 most watched of the past 48 hours.

And that’s without mentioning our continued focus on those important Fan Films Done Right. Trekzone’s YouTube channel continues to be your important first step in learning about everything Star Trek Fan Films, but now this website is joining the fun – when we don’t have the turnaround time to put a podcast together, we’ll blog about it.

Star Trek fan films live here at Trekzone. They have done since March 2016.

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