Tuesday, March 11 2025 12:18 AEST

“If You’re Not With Me, Then You’re Against Me” – The Sordid Saga of Alleged Bullying Surrounding Axanar

Alec Peters has certainly become a polarising figure in the Star Trek Fan Film community since he pursued CBS and Paramount over copyright infringement back in 2016, and while a growing minority continue to openly support, and defend, him, there are others that want absolutely nothing to do with him.

Unfortunately, there’s also a murky middle ground of people who sit on the fence and tacitly support him by ignoring the evidence and citing “he’s done nothing to me.”

Recent misguided efforts by the Trekkers Against Bullying Facebook group saw administrators Rex and Ed give a platform to Alec to air his grievances, and demanding to see the evidence all over again, as if Trekzone and Axamonitor’s coverage was hidden away to never be found. Evidence that has been piling up for over a decade, even before Axanar was conceptualised.

On this edition of A Trekzone Conversation we meet Tara Lynne, who has become embroiled in this sordid saga after falling in love with Dean Newbury, Alec’s former friend and Axanar carpenter..

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