Monday, March 10 2025 14:12 AEST

Southern Launch Get Approval for Whalers Way

Southern Launch has been granted all approvals for the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex located on the tip of the Eyre Peninsula.

They say work on permanent facilities will begin in earnest with the first launches from the site scheduled for late 2025.

Whalers Way can accommodate direct ascent trajectories from 55 to 177 degrees including polar, sun-synchronous orbits and 135-degree inclination making it one of the most versatile launch sites in the world.

Under the approval the complex will have two launch pads along with associated infrastructure such as vehicle assembly buildings, clean rooms and integration facilities. Approvals have been granted initially for up to 42 launches per year.

When Talkin’ Science visited Port Lincoln in December 2022, we attempted to learn more about the local opposition to the facility, which centered on twelve endangered bird species including the southern emu wren and debris splashing down into the southern ocean.

However, Southern Launch’s several hundred page environmental submission addressed each concern and the management plans were accepted by the Federal and State Governments.

This program’s attempts to talk to local conservationists have not been replied to.

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