Sunday, March 30 2025 01:29 AEST

New Marsquake Data Could Help Solve One Of Our Solar System’s ‘Biggest Mysteries’

New analysis of marsquakes, which are similar to earthquakes, could offer clues into how Mars has evolved over billions of years, according to new research from The Australian National University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The researchers say differences between the two hemispheres of Mars were likely shaped by convection – the transfer of heat from one place to another – in the Martian mantle over hundreds of millions to billions of years ago. The mantle is the inner layer of Mars sandwiched between the crust and the core.

According to geophysicist and study co-author, ANU Professor Hrvoje Tkalčić, the difference in the Red Planet’s hemispheres is “one of the biggest mysteries in the solar system” and there are two competing theories to explain it…

According to the researchers, the InSight lander could become a prototype for future planetary missions. The InSight lander collected data about marsquakes, Martian weather and the planet’s interior from 2018 to 2022.

My deep dive with Professor Tkalčić is available now for members – and on Friday for the world.

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