Friday, January 3 2025 03:31 AEST

Production Debriefing; Breaking Down the Season One Finale Shoot

It’s been a week since the first frames were recorded for Australia’s first indea Trek series – and now it’s time to take stock of what worked and what didn’t… what happened exactly on those two nights of mad recording?

As seems to be my style, I tried to do everything solo – from the camera work, to the transport, sound and production stills.

That’s all good in theory – but when you hire people to portray your vision, and read your script (which made perfect sense in my mind btw…) you need to give them some attention and help them through what is actually happening.

The scripts for this episode were written in a news style, and no one was overly familiar with that.

The plan was to keep Twitter and Facebook up-to-date as things happened… but again, trying to do it all myself just didn’t worked. And once again, a promise to watch that space fell by the wayside.

In terms of keeping a production report going on the website – It doesn’t help when you leave all of your image template files behind, but I made do again… and got most of the information out.

I want to say a massive thanks to my sister, brother-in-law and niece for opening their brand new home to me and allowing me to sleep for free… always a great help on a self funded budget.

Overall though, I rate the filming as successful, despite having to drop two shots. This was the first time I’ve hired actors to be actors as well (instead of just presenters) and I have taken away many ideas and helpful hints.

Anna, Jeremy, Candice and Dan all were fantastic and despite dividing my time four ways they were all understanding and I look forward to working with them again.

Next time, though, I will make sure I have a cameraman and a sound recordist!

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