Counting Down to The 2022 Trekzone Fan Film Awards : Best Hero Ship & VFX
As a general rule of thumb, every good Star Trek story has to be set on – or near – a starship. The hero ships of the ages include the
As a general rule of thumb, every good Star Trek story has to be set on – or near – a starship. The hero ships of the ages include the
Editing is the critical next step in any production following the writing and filming. And Star Trek fan films have no shortage of fans giving it a red hot crack
We’ve waited 37 months … but finally we are just a handful (and a bit) days away from the return of the smash SciFi hit The Orville for her third
With 3 weeks to go until the live and free gala event of The 2022 Trekzone Fan Film Awards, we’re devoting Monday’s to finding out a little more about the
We’re an incredibly lucky bunch of Star Trek fans right now, with five series in production. We’ve just been witness to the second season of Picard, and the very beginning
The Klingon counterattack has reached the Cardassian system itself. The surrounding planets must be captured, before a final assault on Cardassia Prime and its powerful defenses can be mounted. Gul
We’re deep into preparations for The 2022 Trekzone Fan Film Awards, which will be held live and free on our YouTube channel June 8 from 2.30pm AEST. Join us on
Gary Davis, David Wrenn and the team over at Dreadnought Dominion gave some love to Mum’s everywhere this Mother’s Day in a film that see’s Captain Jason Brousseau’s Mum visit the three nacelled Dreadnought he commands.
The 2022 Trekzone Fan Film Awards is a livestream event recognising inde film makers around the world who have combined their interest in film making with their passion for Star Trek and produced short films released for free typically on YouTube.
Here are the fifty seven nominees across fifteen categories that make up The 2022 Trekzone Fan Film Awards. No entry fees, no cheap prizes – just a good ol’ fashioned
It’s week 18 of 2022, this is Talkin’ Science… we’re back diving into the latest in science and space. A meteorite that landed in Victoria in 1969 has shown to
It’s been an smash hit since it was released a few weeks ago, now the creator of The Next Generation: The Animated Series beams in to Trekzone to explain all
Despite cutting off most of their supplies, Gul Kentar’s forces are able to launch a massive assault on the Klingon base at Crucis Major. With defenses incomplete, Martok is barely
As we gear up to mark 2, 000 days since Alec Peters settled his lawsuit with then CBS and Paramount, we’re looking at the continued missteps made towards getting the
Robb Pearlman and Justin Hoffman beam in to plug their forthcoming book – The Star Trek Book of Friendship. From Kirk and Spock, Janeway and Seven, Wesley and Data –
The Kulinor class of Cardassian vessel has been seen with additional, unidentified modifications. A prototype vessel, the “Quantum Singularity Ship” has been detected on the far side of the Ketch’Tor
New analysis of marsquakes, which are similar to earthquakes, could offer clues into how Mars has evolved over billions of years, according to new research from The Australian National University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Distant neutron stars typically spin a full 360 degrees within seconds. However, a new type of ‘radio transient object’ – so called as they are detected in radio waves – has emerged that rotate much more slowly. In the time it takes this cosmic lighthouse to rotate you could watch Interstellar twice before it completes a full spin.
An international study led by Australian astronomers has created the most detailed maps of gravitational waves across the universe to date in three new research papers. The study also produced the largest ever galactic-scale gravitational wave detector and found further evidence of a “background” of these invisible yet incredibly fast ripples in space that can help unlock some major mysteries of the universe.
Even though Saturn’s rings appear clean and young, they may be as old as the planet itself according to international researchers. It was previously thought that impacts with small rocky debris travelling through space – called micrometeoroids – would dirty and darken the rings over time, but in 2004 the Cassini spacecraft revealed the rings to be clean and bright suggesting that they are not very old.
Australia’s first sovereign orbital rocket designed and built has finally cleared all regulatory hurdles, and
International researchers have found a giant planet transiting a very young star, in research that indicates this could be the youngest transiting planet found to date.
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New Marsquake data could help solve one of the solar system’s biggest mysteries, Saturn’s rings might be deceptively old – based on what we thought
New analysis of marsquakes, which are similar to earthquakes, could offer clues into how Mars has evolved over billions of years, according to new research from The Australian National University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Distant neutron stars typically spin a full 360 degrees within seconds. However, a new type of ‘radio transient object’ – so called as they are detected in radio waves – has emerged that rotate much more slowly. In the time it takes this cosmic lighthouse to rotate you could watch Interstellar twice before it completes a full spin.
An international study led by Australian astronomers has created the most detailed maps of gravitational waves across the universe to date in three new research papers. The study also produced the largest ever galactic-scale gravitational wave detector and found further evidence of a “background” of these invisible yet incredibly fast ripples in space that can help unlock some major mysteries of the universe.
Even though Saturn’s rings appear clean and young, they may be as old as the planet itself according to international researchers. It was previously thought that impacts with small rocky debris travelling through space – called micrometeoroids – would dirty and darken the rings over time, but in 2004 the Cassini spacecraft revealed the rings to be clean and bright suggesting that they are not very old.
Australia’s first sovereign orbital rocket designed and built has finally cleared all regulatory hurdles, and now sits poised on the launchpad in Bowen as it
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