Trekzone Membership Is So Sweet
Right now Trekzone’s patrons have got early access to all of next week’s podcasts from STLV as we wrap up our coverage of the biggest Trek convention this side of
Right now Trekzone’s patrons have got early access to all of next week’s podcasts from STLV as we wrap up our coverage of the biggest Trek convention this side of
First coming to Star Trek as Kirstie Alley’s replacement for Lieutenant Saavik, Robin Curtis brought a genuine warmth to the character that cared for Spock during our original gang’s rescue of the Vulcan science officer before being left behind on Vulcan as they returned to Earth in the following movie.
Today, it’s episode #190 in the Trekzone podcast timeline… Robert O’Reilly joins me for the second #STLV interview from our recent Vegas or Bust tour. But we’re not alone, Gowron’s mother will drop by for some words of wisdom!
Today, it’s episode #189 in the Trekzone podcast timeline… Shazad Latif joins me for the second #STLV interview from our recent Vegas or Bust tour.
We’re back from the Vegas or Bust tour and it’s time to bring you interviews with the folks we managed to catch up with while at the biggest Trek convention
It turns out Isreal’s failed Beresheet mission may have deposited thousands of tardigrades suspended in amber on to the moon! Plus Brad and I talk magnetic pole flipping and dead planets sending out zombie radio waves!
Trekzone may have stumbled upon the filming location for Star Trek: Picard…
TESS has found six planets in two solar systems, meanwhile NASA has announced commercial partnerships to help them get to the moon.
Wowee, what a week – what a convention! It’s been five days of Star Trek madness… but Trekzone has managed to tick it off the bucket list!
Not much action to report on today at STLV, fans were given time with Bill Shatner, Kate Mulgrew and more… with the main attraction being the Star Trek: Picard panel…
Prequel material announced in Vegas will help piece together the back story of Jean-Luc Picard.
Discovery’s heading to BluRay and DVD, Trekzone was there when it was announced and now we’ve got the full breakdown from CBS
In an official video, Jeri Ryan talks about returning to Star Trek.
Brent Spiner’s opening day panel in Vegas gave some interesting insight into the forthcoming Star Trek: Picard.
The world was introduced to the writing staff for the as-yet untitled but code named Nick Trek cartoon series on Tuesday.
Ken from the Mission Log podcast and Robert O’Reilly headline today’s daily blog from the biggest Trek convention this side of Alpha Centauri!
The Varda Space Industries W-2 capsule safely returned to Earth at Southern Launch’s Koonibba Test Range completing a dual-purpose mission with payloads from the United States Air Force and NASA at the end of February.
New analysis of marsquakes, which are similar to earthquakes, could offer clues into how Mars has evolved over billions of years, according to new research from The Australian National University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Distant neutron stars typically spin a full 360 degrees within seconds. However, a new type of ‘radio transient object’ – so called as they are detected in radio waves – has emerged that rotate much more slowly. In the time it takes this cosmic lighthouse to rotate you could watch Interstellar twice before it completes a full spin.
An international study led by Australian astronomers has created the most detailed maps of gravitational waves across the universe to date in three new research papers. The study also produced the largest ever galactic-scale gravitational wave detector and found further evidence of a “background” of these invisible yet incredibly fast ripples in space that can help unlock some major mysteries of the universe.
Even though Saturn’s rings appear clean and young, they may be as old as the planet itself according to international researchers. It was previously thought that impacts with small rocky debris travelling through space – called micrometeoroids – would dirty and darken the rings over time, but in 2004 the Cassini spacecraft revealed the rings to be clean and bright suggesting that they are not very old.
Australia’s first sovereign orbital rocket designed and built has finally cleared all regulatory hurdles, and
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The Varda Space Industries W-2 capsule safely returned to Earth at Southern Launch’s Koonibba Test Range completing a dual-purpose mission with payloads from the United States Air Force and NASA at the end of February.
New Marsquake data could help solve one of the solar system’s biggest mysteries, Saturn’s rings might be deceptively old – based on what we thought
New analysis of marsquakes, which are similar to earthquakes, could offer clues into how Mars has evolved over billions of years, according to new research from The Australian National University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Distant neutron stars typically spin a full 360 degrees within seconds. However, a new type of ‘radio transient object’ – so called as they are detected in radio waves – has emerged that rotate much more slowly. In the time it takes this cosmic lighthouse to rotate you could watch Interstellar twice before it completes a full spin.
An international study led by Australian astronomers has created the most detailed maps of gravitational waves across the universe to date in three new research papers. The study also produced the largest ever galactic-scale gravitational wave detector and found further evidence of a “background” of these invisible yet incredibly fast ripples in space that can help unlock some major mysteries of the universe.
Even though Saturn’s rings appear clean and young, they may be as old as the planet itself according to international researchers. It was previously thought that impacts with small rocky debris travelling through space – called micrometeoroids – would dirty and darken the rings over time, but in 2004 the Cassini spacecraft revealed the rings to be clean and bright suggesting that they are not very old.
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