Saturday, September 21 2024 17:25 AEST


That Time When We Played Star Trek: A Final Unity

Here at That Time When – it’s not all going to be past interviews, we’re also going to take you back to Talkin’ Science, News and Trekzone Plays episodes that really deserve another watch – in our opinion! Today – That Time When We Played Star Trek: The Next Generation A Final Unity.

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That Time When We Met Joe Flanigan

Way back in the early days of Trekzone we’d travel to Supanova and, with their help of their awesome PR guy, get to meet their guests backstage. On this edition, That Time When We Met Joe Flanigan…

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Where Are They Now? Catching Up With Gary Davis

He’s the lead actor and co-creator of Dreadnought Dominion, throughout the last few years he’s put pen to paper and film to shutter on several Star Trek fan films, and he’s our guest today as we continue asking “Where Are They Now?”

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That Time When We Met Jason Isaacs Back Stage

Back in 2019 – before that thing disrupted everything we do, Supanova put on a cracking convention in Brisbane. While waiting for interviews at the signing table, Jason Isaacs pulled Matt aside and spoke about his time as Lorca.

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