Saturday, September 21 2024 03:43 AEST


A Fast and Weird White Dwarf Star

Astronomers have discovered a very peculiar white dwarf star about 150 light years away, it’s mass is double the average and it’s moving 99% faster than any of it’s neighbours.

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A Helper Satellite

A commercial spacecraft “helper” has docked with a working communications satellite to provide life-extending services in a world first.

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Another Big Bang

Astronomers have discovered the biggest explosion we have ever seen. They spotted the remnants of this blast in the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster, most likely from a supermassive black hole using the Murchison Widefield Array and NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory.

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Another Mini Moon Discovered

It’s officially known as 2020 CD3, but this baby object is only the second asteroid known to orbit Earth. It’s expected to drop out of Earth orbit around April and return to a heliocentric orbit.

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The Biggest Recorded Galactic Explosion

Supermassive Black Holes going kaboom, tiny asteroids hitching a ride in Earth’s orbit and a helper satellite giving life-extending boosts to ailing satellites. Plus SpaceX dominating our headlines, on today’s Talkin’ Science…

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