Friday, September 20 2024 02:29 AEST

Trekzone Plays

Finding The Fifth Scroll : Trekzone Plays A Final Unity (4)

Tracking the Ferengi Aramut across several sectors of space, the Enterprise learns that he didn’t smuggle the Romulan creatures, instead he acquired them as part of a trade with a secluded colony on the planet Frigis. With the aid of the Garidian refugees, Riker and an away team beam to the planets surface and attempt to find The Lawgiver’s Fifth Scroll…

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Encounter at the Neutral Zone : Trekzone Plays A Final Unity (1)

We’re not slowing down before Christmas, which is only six weeks away! Instead, we’re going to get you in that festive mood with more of the Trekzone content you love. Continuing the week with the start of our second playthrough – #StarTrek #TheNextGeneration A Final Unity. This one is a lot of fun, come with us on the journey.

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