Thursday, September 19 2024 07:53 AEST

Site News Returns!

Just a short note to say that the site is back on-line and being updated. As I have stated on the home page, a few of my industry contacts have

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Lest We Forget

ANZAC Day marks the anniversary of the first major military engagement fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the Great War. Australia was only a federal commonwealth for 13

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Eternal Night Production Delayed

Star Trek: Eternal Night’s season two production fortnight has been delayed to the end of October.  This is to coincide with a plan I am drafting now… I can’t tell

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The SciFi Sector Is Back!

The SciFi sector is back! But, instead of a fortnightly webcast, I’m going to create episodes when special things happen – like major breaking news or convention reports. The first

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Site Updates Resume

Updating the site is back on. Today has been consumed by getting the episode content page design right… and I’ve done that – now it’s time to get uploading! Star

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The Perth Trip

There are three major aims of this weekends cross country trip: – Confirm location for pub scene, and assess venue’s prospects, – Confirm location for the opening scene of season

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Eternal Night Progress

UPDATE (27/2): It’s official – Francessa Boyte joins the cast as Evie Cunningham, the fourth year cadet at the Academy. Evie will have a tough road ahead as she learns

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Release Date: TOS Season One

After trawling through the various backups of the site, I have found The Original Series’ first two seasons that I uploaded last year. While it has the old look attached

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Episode Template Update

While it hasn’t been on-line constantly for the past six years, the old layout has been around for at least that long. The tired text only layout was due for

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