Wednesday, January 29 2025 15:49 AEST

Fan Film Factor Attacks – Meanwhile, Axanar Fans Demand Evidence CBS Invited Australia’s FIRST Star Trek Fan Site allegedly has too few hits per month to be considered for the All Access affiliate deal, and fan film Star Trek: Continues should not have been included at all.

These are some of the assertions that Jonathan Lane of Fan Film Factor has made in his new blog post while spending way too long – on Mother’s Day – counting the number of posts on the original Continues Facebook post, arguing that that is all the evidence he needs to suggest that the Star Trek fan film has a mostly negative bias towards the upcoming series Star Trek: Discovery.

But the Star Trek: Continues’ page is on the publicly accessible social media site, and several of the posts have been hijacked by Axanar loyalists demanding detailed evidence of the invitations because of reasons. When I responded to two of the Axanar faithful, they again requested evidence of the invitation but failed to provide any substantial explanation as to why they require it.

I will not be releasing confidential emails or contact details, but I will release this statement: was invited on Thursday by CBS Interactive to participate in the All Access affiliate program, which is available to any website to apply for. This program is rewards based where subscriptions gained by following a link from will generate $9.

I am always humbled when the owners of Star Trek recognise my dedication to the franchise I love by providing me with ‘value added bonuses’ and I look forward to continuing to work with CBS and Paramount in the future.

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