Tuesday, March 11 2025 21:22 AEST

It’s Time To Revisit Eternal Night

It was billed as a pretty big deal four years ago when it was first announced, but it never lived up to expectations and was shelved four episodes into the ten episode second season, since then Eternal Night has laid dormant in the top drawer of my filing cabinet but it’s never been far from my mind.

And while the dialogue sessions with the lead cast are still on an archive drive somewhere in the TREKZONE.org office, they will – sadly – never see the light of day again, mainly because I place such a high standard on the quality of work I produce and the recordings never met those expectations. That’s not a fault or a criticism of the cast, rather on me as the director… I failed to grasp the gravity of what I had signed myself up for.

However I think sufficient time has passed to revisit this behemoth that consumed so many hours and days of my life at the start of the decade, and as I gear up to produce Once More With Feeling I’ve been thinking about my slice of the great Trek universe we’re allowed to play in and while we’re no longer allowed to create series of episodes I believe we can create a pocket of the greater universe for our characters to play in… and OMWF will tie in with Eternal Night ever so slightly.

Today’s decision will see a novelisation of the second and third seasons of Eternal Night, utilising the full twenty page per episode scripts to conceptualise the storylines that will flow through the chapters of Australia’s FIRST Star Trek fan series. I’ll begin with season two episode one then release an episode a week over in the Trekzone Fan Film section.

Investigations will be released on December 1.


Catch it over at TREKZONE.org.

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