Tuesday, March 11 2025 10:14 AEST

Gary Davis on The Dreadnought Dominion

Asked to work on a friend’s new fan film, Gary Davis became the executive officer for the ‘pilot’ and contributed some story threads. When Farragut Studios became Star Trek: Continues the group of fans lost their ability to film on standing sets.

That didn’t stop them, they pioneered new ideas and waited out the time. With Ray Tesi now owning those studios following Continues wrapping production the timing is right for Gary to bring Dreadnought Dominion out of mothballs.

He joins me today to chat about the past and what’s to come in the future.

On a production note, this week marks the return of closed captioning to The Trekzone Spotlight after several requests. To aid those with hearing difficulties (or who can’t understand my accent!) I have requested the caption company go through all episodes released this year as well.

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