Sunday, February 23 2025 20:48 AEST

BREAKING: ‘The Holy Core’ Gets Funded

British film maker Gary O’Brien attempted to replicate the success of his first film ‘Chance Encounter’ back in March with an ultimately unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign. But, he’s just released an exciting update.

A private investor – who wishes to remain anonymous – has chipped in the entire production budget of £8,700 to enable Gary to move this fan film into pre production.

An expanded shuttlepod, CGI set expansions and a more immersive story are all on the cards. Gary just posted this update to YouTube and Kickstarter:

And Gary is going to join me for his first interview following this news tomorrow in an early edition of this week’s Trekzone Spotlight – stay tuned. He previously joined me to discuss the project just before the Kickstarter campaign launched, watch that here.


EDIT – 8 May:
Gary and I have recorded this week’s Trekzone Spotlight. It will be released in the usual Thursday morning timeslot – 07.30 (GMT +10.)

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