Sunday, February 23 2025 06:51 AEST

Captain Lorca, The Enterprise Crew and Women In Trek : It’s Day Two of #STLV!

The second day of proceedings in Las Vegas kicked off with a panel featuring Dominic Keating, Linda Park and John Billingsley from Enterprise.  We learnt that Linda’s family has expanded by one in the last few weeks, her labour was long and intense – 26 hours without medication, concluding with a c-section. Cassius and Mum are doing great, congratulations Linda!  Now how’s this for a Star Trek connection… Linda recently starred in a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof play performed by Armin Shimerman’s theater company Antaeus.

As I discovered a few years back Dominic Keating got his start in a Vidal Sasson commercial, but his TV life got started in season 2 of Buffy, then he admitted to plenty of goofs on those long bridge days. Meanwhile John Billingsley talked about starting his production company 30 years ago, and it’s still going strong today. John recounted how Stargate was a totally different vibe on set compared to Star Trek – where the strict wording of the script must be adhered to.  Overall, Linda was hopeful for more character arcs on Enterprise while Billingsley wanted all Denoblians to look like him so that a rescue mission could see a ship full of Doctor Phlox’s!

Mary Chieffo and Marina Sirtis on the Women in Trek panel. Image Credit: TREKCORE.COM

The other major panel today focused on the Women in Star Trek – Mary Chieffo noted that from the first episode of Discovery it’s women empowering women. Marina Sirits remembered being told she was too fat throughout the first season “but thank goodness times are changing.” Marina pointed out that, while The Next Gen takes place in the 24th century, it was written by 20th century men. Sirtis told of her feelings in attending an all girls school – “You learn how to be without what worrying what the boys are going to say.”

Meanwhile another awesome panel today in Vegas was held by Jason Isaacs, his first Trek panel… and boy did he win the crowd! Jason noted that all of the writers and directors came to work on their childhood dream on Discovery while the uniforms were more akin to gastric bands for the actors!  Isaacs did note that in an effort to avoid the “Picard Maneuver” the jackets were zipped to the pants, but when you lift your arms you gave yourself a wedgie!

Comparing his two major roles in franchises, “Malfoy is a bigot who hates muggles and is desperate for approval and status. Lorca just wants to get back to a world he understands away from these idiots.”

That’s the best of it for day 2. Thanks for checking in to 1701NEWS.COM for this wrap up, click here to read day 1.

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