Wednesday, March 12 2025 14:41 AEST

Looking Ahead To The Axanar Fan’s Perspective

For a while now there’s been a fracture in Star Trek fan film circles… those that support Alec Peters’ Axanar and those that don’t.  Following my exit from active posting in those Facebook groups, Fan Film Factor’s Jonathan Lane reached out and suggested we have a lengthy discussion about our opposing views.

Be aware, you’ll need to invest 3 hours to fully appreciate the entire conversation and debate but don’t worry – we’ve looked after you and chopped it up into three parts – releasing Thursday, Tuesday and Thursday over the next two weeks (Australian time!)

My thanks to Jonathan for the spirited conversation and for suggesting the idea in the first place…

4 thought on “Looking Ahead To The Axanar Fan’s Perspective”
  1. Two make believe “journalists” are going to debate about a non-existent fan film being mismanaged by a make believe Producer. This affair has the potential to be incredibly worthless. Matthew, your features are, at times, interesting, and you had your own negative encounter with Alec Peters, then you got all hot and bothered because you got into a donnybrook with some other fans on a Facebook page. Jonathan Lane is the certified Propaganda Minister and President of the Alec Peters Fan Club. His long-winded blog postings are biased, amateur, and mostly ridiculous. While the discussion has the potential to be ridiculously entertaining listening to Lane justify Peters’ incompetence, nothing either of you lads say will have any factor in getting Peters to actually complete Axanar. Have a nice day and Merry Christmas.

    1. Firstly, to your assertion that I am a journalist, I am not… and I have never prerended to be.

      Secondly, at no point do I capitulate and rollover on my view of Axanar. I maintain Alec did the wrong thing and should not be in the position now to make Axanar, but he is. And, despite the glacial psce he is moving, he is moving… he now has a bridge set that we all said he wouldn’t have.

      In terms of the podcasts, the runtime is there for the supporters of Axanar who would cry foul if I did any kind of editing. The “best of”, to be released on December 27 was my idea to truly represent a Trekzone Conversation episode length, coming in at about 25 minutes.

      It’s bitterly disappointing the way those in Axamonitor have thrown me out with the bath water… but they decided to jump the shark and focus on all sorts of other things that had nothing to do with Axanar, and when I called it out I was set upon by two individuals. That’s after I was told to unblock people to remain in th club and wss subjected to 3 vitriolic attacks by 2 individuals over 2 years.

  2. As I posted on FFF, I am very excited for this as I stand with you that while I am “anti-Axanar,” I appreciate some of what Jon does. Should be an entertaining listen!

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