Friday, March 14 2025 17:40 AEST

Get Social With Trekzone! There’s Still Time To Enter Our Giveaway

We've now smashed 1.3m social media views so far this year, and there's still another 3 weeks left til 2020!

We’ve now smashed 1.3m social media views so far this year, and there’s still another 3 weeks left til 2020!

Our Instagram page needs some love though, so if you haven’t already – jump over and give us a follow to catch Star Trek episodes every few hours… maybe you’ll find something to watch tonight. And while you’re in the following mood, maybe you listen to podcasts on Spotify, Tune In, Apple or Google? We’re there too! Subscribe to our feed and get fresh eps as soon as they drop.

If you’ve been generous with your likes and your followings, you’re eligible to go in the draw for our awesome Star Trek: Picard giveaway! Thanks to Universal Sony Australia, Trekzone has two box sets to prep you for the new show. Featuring exclusively the 16 page Countdown comic plus four movies and two feature length episodes on BluRay – Generations, First Contact, Insurrection, and Nemesis plus The Best of Both Worlds and Chain of Command – I think they might be trying to tell us something about what’s to come in the new show…

To enter, all you have to do is like Trekzone on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, be an Australian resident and tell us in a DM why you love Star Trek in 50 words or less. Entries close on December 13 at Midnight AEST, with the winners announced on Sunday, December 15. We’ll then endeavour to get the prizes out before Christmas!

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