Wednesday, September 18 2024 11:49 AEST

Eternal Night

Eternal Night Retrospective

2018 marks fifteen years since this website began and it’s time to expand on the content I’m supplying. You’re going to start seeing a lot of fresh content, as well

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More Eternal Night Production

Last night and this morning saw more of the 5NEWS bulletin come together, as I travelled over 220 kilometres to get the shots needed. A special mention to Lloyd Johnson

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Eternal Night Production Update

Production Fortnight Delayed Two pieces of bad news for followers of Eternal Night… the “anchor” pieces for the season one finale (aka, 5NEWS) did not happen due to actor unavailability

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Filming Weekend

When I started out on the Eternal Night adventure, filming even one frame of season two seemed like a long time away. Especially because the audio episodes of season one

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