Friday, February 14 2025 05:57 AEST

SciFi Weekly #1 – Who Is Jar Jar Binks?

He’s the character we love to hate, from the moment we saw him in 1999’s The Phantom Menace, Jar Jar Binks became the embodiment of everything wrong with the prequel movies and most people wrote off all of the new movies based on this character’s actions.

But were we wrong? Is Jar Jar Binks actually the ultimate Sith lord who survived all the way through the original trilogy’s timeline and will be ‘reborn’ in The Force Awakens as Supreme Leader Snoke? Lumpawaroo on Reddit seems to think so, and he’s found some serious evidence to back up his claim. Amber investigates in our feature.

Meanwhile, the New Horizons probe sends back high resolution images of Pluto, Han and Chewie bury the hatchet on Jimmy Kimmel and has Peter Jackson confirmed he’s directing Doctor Who next year? Find out in the news.

A huge welcome to everyone, this is SciFi Weekly. Check out SciFi Weekly #1 – Who Is Jar Jar Binks? here.

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