Thursday, February 13 2025 01:15 AEST

Sometimes Things Aren’t Such A Great Idea

I had every intention of bringing you something new in the episode database on daily basis for the next four hundred days, but as I sat down this morning to write my fourth episode recap from Enterprise I found my fingers hovering above the keyboard wondering what was the point.

As such I have nixed the idea very early on and scrubbed mentions of it here on the site and in social media. It is just another idea that is too hard to implement by myself especially since we’re seven hundred and forty five episodes into the Star Trek library, and I haven’t even reviewed the movies yet, five years after this site returned from the wilderness!

So, I tell you what I’m going to do – finish off Enterprise’s first season of HD screencaps, then sink into the movies – complete with 200+ caps each and then come back for the remainder of Enterprise and the Animated Adventures (now that they’re also available on bluray.)

All that is on top of work progressing on Once More, With Feeling – the second Trekzone fan film and The Trekzone Spotlight which is now airing new episodes every Thursday fortnight (next one with Gary O’Brien will drop on March 1.)

Stay tuned, keep coming back – like, follow and subscribe (don’t forget the bell icon to never miss a video.)

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