Thursday, February 13 2025 00:25 AEST

Australia Commits to Join Artemis; Moon to Mars Exploration

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison attended NASA Headquarters overnight to commit Australia's new space agency to aiding the US in its return to the Moon by 2025.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison attended NASA Headquarters overnight to commit Australia’s new space agency to aiding the US in its return to the Moon by 2025.

Jim Morhead, NASA’s Deputy Administrator said

“We are honored by today’s statement and the commitment of our friends from Australia to support us in our mission to return to the Moon by 2024 with the Artemis program,

The strong relationship between NASA and the Australian Space Agency affirms NASA’s commitment to establish sustainable exploration with our commercial and international partners by 2028.”

While our space agency is a little over a year old, we have a long history of supporting space efforts from the US and many other countries, with an agreement signed in 1960 betwen the CSIRO and NASA to provide tracking and communications via the Tidbinbilla tracking station, as well as data relay services in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

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